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Necessary information for freshmen

New students need to know these things

During the learning process, students will encounter the following issues. Students contact the Department of Undergraduate Studies (A0005) or the Student Service Office (E0001) for assistance.

1. Course exemption

- Students who pass some certain modules at the same level of 4-year-degree or 3-year-degree in other schools will be considered for course exemption, if they are equivalent in terms of volume and content as follows:

  • Basic principles of Marxism-Leninism;
  • Ho Chi Minh Ideology;
  • Revolutionary of Vietnamese Communist Party;
  • Physical education, National Defense education;

- In addition to the above modules, the school will also consider to exempt other courses with the same course code or equivalent if the student has studied at Ton Duc Thang University.

- In order to be exempted from the study, students must submit a Course Exemption Application Form enclosed with a Score sheet or Certificate to the Student Advisory and Support Office (E0001).

- Process for consideration of exemption:

  • Students applying the form for a exemption of a course within 2 weeks in prior to the new semester will be able to cancel the course (Students apply a form for cancellation of the course) and will not be required to pay tuition fees for canceled courses - applicable to subjects in accordance with the training schedule in the program.
  • Students applying for exemption of the course after the semester has taken place, the student exempted from the course can only withdraw the course (students apply a form for withdrawal), no tuition will be refund.
  • For English and Informatics courses, exemption has another regulation. Students refer to the Regulations on English learning, Regulations on MOS Based Computer Courses for each Academic year.

2. The issue of charging tuition fees and considering conditions for taking examination related to tuition obligations

- Students base on important timelines in the Academic year plan and announcements from the Department for Finance (website: or Student Information System, Announcement bar⇒ Department for Finance, or Tuition bar) at least once every 3 days in order to complete the tuition fee on time.

  • During the tuition payment period, students who have difficulty affording their tuition fees (with a reasonable reason attached) must submit a Tuition Fee Renewal Form (online application form in the Student Information System ⇒ online application bar). Students must follow the response of the Department of Student Affairs (Student Information System ⇒ Online Application Submission bar ⇒ Application History) to pay the tuition fee based on the response.
  • In the time of additional course registration, if the students having a successful additional registration results will need to pay additional tuition fees according to the announcement of Department for Finance. Note: For those English courses which have special requirements, students are required to regularly update information in the Student Information System to fulfill the tuition obligation.

- Regulations on considering conditions for taking examination: there are 2 types of consideration in the same semester.

  • Considering conditions for taking examination due to tuition fee:

If the student has not paid the tuition fee, or the student has paid less than the required amount, the student will not be eligible for all course registered in the same semester.

In one semester, there will be 02 stages for considering conditions for taking examination due to the debt of the tuition fee: midterm and final exams (including subjects not in the mass test-taking schedule as well as English and MOS)

Students do not complete the tuition fee of this semester; the debt will be added to the tuition fees of the next semester. For auditing semester students, who do not complete the tuition fee, the tuition fee will be added to the next semester.

For example: If the student has an outstanding tuition fee in the auditing semester

2nd Semester tuition = Tuition of all courses in the 2nd Semester + Tuition of 1st Auditing Semester.

  • Considering conditions for taking examination due to attendance:

Students who fail to meet the attendance requirements of each subject will not be considered for taking examination for those subjects, for the remaining courses of the same semester, if students do not violated regulations, they are still allowed to take the examination.

Students must carefully observe the attendance rules for each subject so that they are not banned by performing the attendance requirement as well as must ensure a minimum of 80% of the other attendance criteria announced by the Instructor at the beginning of the semester for every single course.

Students are not allowed to take any exams (Mid-term, End-term ...), the corresponding grade points will be scored F equivalent to 0 points.

3. Examination and Assessment Issues

Exam schedule

Based on the Academic year Plan, 03 weeks prior to the final exam, the University will announce the exam schedule through the following channels:

  • Website of Department of Undergraduate Study ⇒ Announcement ⇒ Exam Schedule ⇒ Full-time
  • Student information system ⇒ Announcement ⇒ of Department of Undergraduate Study
  • Student information system ⇒ Exam Schedule
  • On the exam schedule, there are timelines for students to apply:

Transfer time (due to exam scheduling conflicts, or unforeseen circumstances and there is an exam of the same course scheduled on another day): Students entering the Student Information System ⇒ Apply online and follow the instruction.

Postponement (due to exam scheduling conflicts, or unforeseen circumstances, but there is no another day scheduling for the exam): Students entering the Student Information System ⇒ Apply online and follow the Instructions.

  • For the mid-term postponement: The University will schedule additional examinations for students during the same semester. Students must follow the Student Information System and the University Website
  • For the final-term postponement: within 01 academic year from the semester of the postponement, students are required to keep track of the school schedule, exam schedule of the most recent semester to apply for retaking the exam. After 01 year, those students who do not apply for the retaken postponed examination will get 0 score for the subject.
  • Registration for the examination (for students who have been approved for the final-term postponement within 01 year): Students entering the Student Information System ⇒ Apply online and follow the instruction.

Course assessment

The subject is marked completed if the average grade is >=5,0 or marked M.

Subject Average Score = Total (Component score x Percentage of component score)

For example: Mathematics A has 03 assessment columns:

Progress assessment: accounted for 10% - 6.0 points

Mid-term assessment: accounted for 20% - 7.0 points

Final-term assessment: accounted for 70% - 4.3 points

Mathematics an Average Score = (6.0*10%) + (7.0*20%) + (4.3*70%) = 5.0 => Completed

► With the failed subjects, students will be required to register and retake the subjects until the results are achieved. Particularly the English and MOS courses will be subject to separate regulations, students follow these regulations in the Student Information System ⇒ Regulations.

4. Academic disposing and warning

At the end of each semester, the following students will be warned of their academic performance: an average score of less than 2.00 for the first semester of the course; be under 2.50 for the next semester or under 3.00 for 2 consecutive semesters

Students are excluded from school if they fall into one of the following cases:

  • Be warned twice in succession.
  • Exceeds the maximum allowed time at the school as prescribed.
  • Be disciplined for the second time as the result of taking test under other’s names or asking others for helping out at test taking or under disciplinary action at the level of removal from the student list.

The maximum duration of the training program is as follows: plus 04 semesters for courses of 3 years or less; 6 semesters for courses of 3 to 4 years; and 7 semesters for courses over 4 years.

For Example: an accounting student with a training period of 04 years enrolling in the university on September 2017 will have an allowed duration until September 2024 (including on-schedule duration is 4 years plus 3 year).