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Instructing students to register study plan


I. Logging in to student information system:
II. Entering the course registration:

Figure 1


  1. Entering Study plan Tab/ Register study plan
  2. Semester is open for registration (Students should pay attention to this part for not registering a wrong semester)
  3. Files for website manuals and registration guide …
  4. Messages from Department of Academic Affairs to students: cancelled groups due to an insufficient number of students … (Students are supposed to update their schedules here)
  5. Announcements: study plan registration, course registration, specializing course 2 registration (CN2), course drop-outs …

Students must regularly follow the announcements and messages of the Department to ensure that they comply with the schedule. All issues arising from students not following the notification are not resolved.

III. Study plan registering:

Before starting to register, students must have a clear understanding of the curriculum of their respective fields of study (students refer to Curriculum tab in the student information system, otherwise contact the Faculty) to register on schedule. After completing the registration, students are not allowed to edit the results (add or drop the course)

The interface of study plan registration is as shown below:

Figure 2


  1. Specify the minimum and maximum number of credits (Cs) required to register (based on academic performance, only applicable in the main semester, except for graduation). For more details, please refer to announcements of study plan registration and course registration each semester, summarized as follows
    • Poor performance:           14 Cs ≤  number of registered credits ≤ 20 Cs
    • Average performance:     14 Cs ≤ number of registered credits ≤ 30 Cs
    • Strong Pass performance:14 Cs ≤ number of registered credits ≤ 35 Cs
    • Good performance:         14 Cs ≤ number of registered credits ≤ 38 Cs
    • Distinction and High distinction performance:   14 Cs ≤ number of registered credits ≤ 42 Cs

        Notes: In case students would wish to register more courses in the maximum credits (as prescribed), they must submit their applications directly at the Student Support Center (Room E0001, during office hours)

  1. List of courses that are open during that semester: open courses in the semester and in other semesters.
  2. Click on “Register” for each course of study
  3. List of successful registration courses
  4. Button “X”: Cancel Study plan registration for the selected course
  5. If the course is subject to a prerequisite one, the system will inform the student so that they can repeat the course (if failed)

In case, after searching for courses that have been opened if the student wishes to enroll additional courses in the curriculum but not shown in item 2.

Students drag down the screen, the system displays in the blue as shown:

Figure 3

Students will need to register (if required). The system will open a new class if the number of students is full; otherwise, it will cancel the registration if the number is insufficient.


Student’s study plan registration results are fundamental for inviting teachers and placing the schedule. Therefore, student number must be correct and sufficient.

IV. Checking registration results:

Students must carefully check their registration results before they are considered complete. After finishing the registration, students are not allowed to add / cancel any courses

Figure 4


  1. Log in Study plan/ Registration results
  2.  Choose a viewed semester
  3.  Successful registration courses will be marked  check.png , with date and time of registration
  4. Cancel courses due to advisor/ head teacher will be marked  cheo.png  (Students contact their advisor or head teacher for inquiries)


  • Students must regularly follow the announcements and messages of the Department to ensure that they meet the deadline. All issues arising from students who do not follow the notifications are not resolved.
  • After completing the registration process, students are not allowed to modify the course (add or remove courses).
  • If you have any questions, please contact the Student Service Office (E0001), Telephone: 08.22.477.215 or 0909670911 (during office hours).